Tuesday 20 December 2016

Facts and 11 Features of Mudhol Hounds

    The Mudhol Hound has multiple names and it is called so in the Karantaka region and gets its name from the small town in Bagalkot district of the state. It is believed that the former ruler of Mudhol,  Sri Srimant Raja Maloji Rao Ghorpade presented two puppies to King George V.
The Mudhol Hound is a very ancient breed that was predominant in the Deccan Plateau region. It is believed that this majestic breed is the descended of the Saluki and Tazi that were brought to India by the Pathans, Afghans, Arabs and Persians India through the Kyber Pass. They were mostly with the nomads and followed them in caravans from one place to the other . Unique Aspects One of the most unique aspects about Mudhol Hound is the various names by which this breed is known across the country. We have not come across any other dog that has such a vast and varied nomenclature. This sight hound is called Mudhol in the south, it was called Caravan hound by the British as they accompanied people in caravans and Karwaani by the local villagers who owned the dog.
Chatrapathi Shivaji's loyal dogs were entombed near his own tomb at Raighad. The dogs depicted bear a close resemblance to the Mudhol. There is also the story of the hounds belonging to Shahuji Maharaj which fought and killed a tiger that attacked the king. During the past centuries the ruling Ghorpades of the feudal state of Mudhol in the district of Bagalkote in Karnataka have developed the Mudhol Hound by selective breeding. The Chandrashiva family was entrusted with the perpetuation of this breed, their descendants still continuing to do so. The Mudhol is a hardy dog and a keen sight hound. But it has an independent temperament and the male doghas a tendancy to attack at times.

These are the features of Mudhol Hound : The head is small in proportion to the body. The skull is long and narrow. It is flat and moderately wide between the ears. The stop is not pronounced and the dome absent. The muzzle is long and tapering. It has strong jaws with a scissor bite. The eyes are dark brown or hazel in colour and oval in shape. They are obliquely placed. They give the dog an intelligent expression. The ears are thin, of medium size, mobile, triangular and set fairly high. They are carried flat and close to the head. Rose shaped and semi erect ears are also expected. The neck is elegantly arched, long , supple and well muscled. The body is muscular with small powerful loins. The brisket is long and deep, with a roomy thorax and a well tucked in abdomen. The back is fairly broad. The legs are muscular with forelegs long and straight from elbow to knee. Hip bones are set wide apart, stifle moderately bent, hocks low to the ground. Feet are of moderate length, well arched and have strong pads. The tail is long and set on line with the body. It is trong at the base tapering, and slightly curved. It is carried low at times. The coat is smooth, close and fine. It may be of any colour including brindle. The Mudhol hound female is 57-62 cms tall and weighs 22-28 kgs. The male is 65-70 cms tall. The gait and movement of this hound is an effortless stride, like flying rather than running with the hind legs under the body giving good propulsion. All males should have a pair of testicles descended into the scrotum. The Mudhol Hound is a dog that needs plenty of exercise and movement. It cannot be managed in confined areas. They are ideally used for racing and hunting, though they make good companion and guard dogs. If you are planning to buy a Mudhol Hound, you can find the sellers on olx.com

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